Necktie is a staple item of men's formalwear in India.

Popular tie knots in India: four-in-hand, half-Windsor, full-Windsor.

Four-in-hand knot: simplest, casual or business-casual.

Half-Windsor knot: bit more formal, business or formal.

Full-Windsor knot: most formal, tuxedo or black tie event.

How to tie a four-in-hand knot:  – Start with wide end on right, narrow on left. – Cross wide over narrow. – Bring wide up through loop. – Bring wide back down through loop. – Pull wide up through loop a third time, tighten.

How to tie a half-Windsor knot:  – Start with wide end on right, narrow on left. – Cross wide over narrow, then back up through loop. – Bring wide back down through loop, but under first pass of wide end. – Pull wide up through loop a third time, tighten.

How to tie a full-Windsor knot:  – Start with wide end on right, narrow on left. – Cross wide over narrow, then back up through loop. – Bring wide back down through loop, but under first two passes of wide end. – Pull wide up through loop a third time, tighten.

Tips for tying a necktie:  – Use a mirror. – Start with narrow end at belly button. – Make sure knot is centered and symmetrical. – Adjust knot so it's the right size for your neck. – Practice a few times before wearing it for the first time.

Look your best for any event with a necktie!