G20 Summit 2023 in India

Key Outcomes and Commitments

Global Economic Recovery

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Leaders commit to a strong, sustainable, and inclusive global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Leaders commit to taking urgent action to address climate change and achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Food Security and Nutrition

Leaders pledge to ensure food security for all and to address the threat of hunger.

Global Health

Leaders agree to strengthen global health security and to invest in research and development for new vaccines and treatments.

Counter-Terrorism and Security

Leaders commit to countering terrorism and to promote peace and security around the world.

Digital Transformation

Leaders agree to harness the power of digital transformation for sustainable development.

Other Outcomes

The summit also resulted in a number of other important outcomes, such  as commitments to promote gender equality, invest in infrastructure, and  support small and medium-sized enterprises.


The G20 Summit 2023 was a success by all accounts. It was a  well-organized event that resulted in a number of important commitments  that will help to shape the future of the global economy and society.